Friday 4 February 2011

♥ Five Top Steps To Train Labradors the Right Way

Learning how to train Labradors the right way can be achieved in unlimited ways. However, before you can select one among the many training methods available for Labrador training, you have to keep in mind that learning the basics is still necessary. Get to know as much information as you can that concerns Labradors. This way, you will know the best ways of handling, caring, and training Labradors.

Five Basic Steps to Train Labradors:

Step One: Train Labradors the right way by being a second parent to your Labrador. Learning how to train Labradors can be difficult for new Labrador owners. The first thing you have to do is to accept the fact that you are committed to taking good care of your Lab.

Remember that your Lab's first training partner should have been his mother. However, when you decided to have him for your own, you have taken his mother's responsibility in training him and teaching him what he has to know about life. To train Labradors correctly, you have to guide your Lab in his daily activities. This way, you can properly teach him the desirable behavior and qualities he has to possess.

Labradors are like babies, they have to be treated with care. Always be cautious as you train Labradors. Remember that without your guidance, your Labrador can develop negative behavior.

Step Two: Instill good habits through proper socialization. To train Labradors easily, you have to take time in providing him with sufficient exposure to other people and animals. This means that you are to take your Lab to places wherein interaction with others can be possible.

You may take your Labrador to daily walks in the park for his regular exercise. This way, you can also train Labradors in adapting to certain situations that he does not normally see at home. Keep in mind that it is not advisable to confine your Labrador in the house for long periods of time. If you do, there is a tendency that your Lab will develop anxiety or aggression.

Through constant socialization and interaction with other people and animals, it will be easier for you to train Labradors in becoming a well-mannered pet.

Step Three: When you start to train Labradors, you must first teach him the daily basics. This involves the routines that he is expected to engage with in a daily basis. Provide your Labrador with his own private space at home and make sure to teach him where to find it during his first day in your home. You should also teach him where and when to eat, where and when to sleep and of course, where and when to eliminate. This and many other details must be covered in your Lab's first weeks of training. It will be easier for you to handle your Labrador in the next training steps if you are able to do this successfully.

Step Four: Train Labradors faster by calling them with a name. One of the first things you have to think about is your Labrador's name. Before you take him home, think of possible names that you wanted to call your pet. When you are able to come up with a good name for your Lab, it will be easier for you to command him. However, this task may be difficult at first. It will definitely take time for your Lab to adjust and associate himself with the name you give him. To help your Labrador with this, constantly call him with his name.You can effectively train Labrador with his name along with various verbal commands that he must be familiar with in order to sustain more difficult levels of training. You can start with the simplest verbal commands like COME, STAY and SIT. You can say "Come Kukai" or "Stay, Kukai" as you introduce the verbal commands. Through this, your Labrador will associate himself better with his name. This also serves as an indication that a task is intendedfor him to do; Therefore, it will be easier for you to grab your Labrador's attention.

Step Five: In order to train Labradors effectively, you and your family must do your tasks properly. For instance, if there are children in the family, you should also educate them regarding your Lab's training. Inform them that they cannot tease your Labrador even during playtime. Also tell them that they cannot bother your Lab while he is asleep. Otherwise, there will be chances of bad habit formation in your Labrador.

To train Labradors is a challenging task that requires patience. By following the steps above, you can train your Labrador properly from day one.

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